Consulting and Support for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs.
Since the origin of Al-Andalus Experience, back in 2007, we have been making opinionated decisions on how to offer and improve our service to the world. From the moment you go online and search out for ‘Muslim tours in Spain’, to the communications, logistics, prices and documents we send out, to further confirm all of the required bookings and steps of the plan until its performance, it is quite a process that we are constantly streamlining. We have developed our own online tools and processes to enhance our administration and booking tasks. Now it is time to bring all of this together, to reinvent ourselves again, and in so also offer our help to local projects develop through and after this present Covid-19 crisis. For clarity, “i-Granada” is not a new company, but a casual brand exercise from the development team at “Al-Andalus Experience” while offering our own solutions to other small business or freelancers who may find value in over 20 years of business management, administration and marketing experience, served as functional ‘cloud working tools’.
We help projects with sustainability and wellbeing in mind, providing early-stage budget startup marketing and administration set up in no time and with the minimum resources.
branding, strategy & online presence
Administration Streamlining and Process Optimisation
Our approach is to provide advice backed up with clear plans that can be implemented. while also providing a clear plan, with tools for you to embark on the process optimization.
G-Suite + WordPress, & more, out of the box oline business marketing & administration tools
We know one size doesn’t fit all – and it shouldn’t. We work with individuals, teams and whole organisations.
Using simple standard cloud tools and hosting serivces, we can plan and implement any strategy on your behalf to suit your business needs as a one time or ongoing service.
For Who?
Should you need help setting up your website, sale presentation letters email campaigns, social profile accounts or any digital marketing or branding, get in touch.
Innovation & Ideation
Brand Strategies & Plans
Branding & Website Presentations
Small Businesses
Small projects are sometimes have the largest effect. As pioneers in travel service and hospitality, with over ten years experience and contacts. We are ready to help you reach out.
Website Delopment, Hosting % Tools
Marketing & Distribution Strategies
Fund-Rising & Social Awareness
More Than Consulting,
Get Real Active Help
How do you take an idea and turn it into reality?
The truth is, that there is a process and it can be learned.
At My Fitrah, we challenge you to look beyond the obvious or the fashionable and to consider a future that can you shape.
Brand Communication
Consultancy Service
Social Media Strategies & Automation
Social Media Consultancy
Everybody knows that making a website can be no joke, however, nowadays, it is no rocket science either. With front side editors being at the peak, we no longer need to use code for a simple presentation website. We can simply choose a design and start building our own story upon it.
WordPress out of the box, HOSTED, MAINTAINED
front-side WEBSITE edition & TEMPLATING READY
Website Builders
Administration process design together with email marketing plan gives life to the backstage operation management of your website. We have you covered with ready solutions. Underrated Google Apps solutions and script templates can set you a step forward of any pre-thought sales or communication funnels, Mailchimp being quite well known and popular, is used for subscribed email updates, whereas Autoklose can be used for active marketing campaigns, provided a growing hand-picked audience we know by name and email.
google apps, mailchimp vs autoklose
Email Marketing
Why Us?
Making no claims, we are as we are. Our struggle is for survival. Survival in wellness of the body and thriving of our mind, heart and soul, which comes with hard work. This has marked us since 2007 on starting out as “Al-Andalus Experience”, the first local service to specifically attend Muslim travel needs in Spain. The new brand “My Fitrah” is set out to inspire and help achieve integration and support of small startups or freelancers, through a practical and active approach.