This is a simple, virtual product.including our generic sample travel plans and text guides. It is also the start of a conversation if you like, you can build your own custom trip and use our application and travel plan to share with your group. You may add your own content per location and event, as well as extra opt-in activities if you need this feature. The travel plan app is a concise way to keep your group guided and well situated within your group programs and any free time or optional activities, meals or extras available. Keeping all of your booking options ready for confirming at the click of a link, or having them pre-booked so to include confirmed booking vouchers within your travel plan itinerary, are both handy ways of using our Travel Plan Schedule with mobile app support. Offline mode is also available, and geo-location, just note that normally you do need data for geo-location to work with your google maps or iPhone maps app.